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5th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and Supercomputers (MTAGS) 2012
Co-located with Supercomputing/SC 2012Salt Lake City -- November 12th, 2012
Workshop Program
- Location: 155-C
- Date: November 12th, 2012
- Time: 9AM - 5:30PM
The workshop features a keynote talk by Dr. Laxmikant (Sanjay) Kale (UIUC) and three awards, Petascale Challenge (Zhao Zhang, UChicago), Cloud Challenge (Dr. Judy Qiu, IndianaU), and Biggest Impact (Dr. Alexandru Iosup, TUDelft). For more information on these speakers, click here. For the program in PDF format, click here.
For a chance to win a Kindle Fire HD tablet, click here (or complete the information form). To attend, please register.
Time | Title | Authors | Affiliation | Links |
9:00AM | Opening Statements | Ioan Raicu Yong Zhao Ian Foster Justin Wozniak |
9:10AM | Keynote -- Adaptive Runtime Systems meet needs of many task computing | Laxmikant V Kale | UIUC | Slides Abstract |
10:10AM | Break | |||
Session I -- Middleware (Chair Reagan Moore, UNC) | ||||
10:30AM | Invited Talk -- Petascale
Challenge Award Data Management for Parallel Scripting |
Zhao Zhang | UChicago | Slides Abstract |
11:00AM | A Scalable Master-Worker Architecture for PaaS Clouds | Vibhor Aggarwal Shubhashis Sengupta Vibhu Saujanya Sharma Aravindan Santharam |
Accenture | Slides Paper |
11:30AM | HOG:Distributed Hadoop MapReduce on the Grid | Chen He Derek Weitzel David Swanson Ying Lu |
UNL | Slides Paper |
12:00PM | Lunch | |||
Session II -- MapReduce (Chair Daniel S. Katz, NSF) | ||||
1:30PM | Invited Talk -- Biggest
Impact Award IaaS Cloud Benchmarking: Approaches, Challenges, and Experience |
Alexandru Iosup | TUDelft | Slides Abstract Paper |
2:00PM | Best
Paper Winner Resource Management for Dynamic MapReduce Clusters in Multicluster Systems |
Bogdan Ghit Nezih Yigitbasi Dick Epema |
TUDelft | Slides Paper |
2:30PM | A Hybrid Scheduling Approach for Scalable Heterogeneous Hadoop Systems | Aysan Rasooli Douglas Down |
McMaster | Slides Paper |
3:00PM | Break | |||
Session III -- Applications (Chair Yong Chen, TTU) | ||||
3:30PM | Invited Talk -- Cloud
Challenge Award Portable Data Mining on Azure and HPC Platforms |
Judy Qiu | IndianaU | Slides Abstract |
4:00PM | Best
Paper Nominee Community Accessible Datastore of High-Throughput Calculations: Experiences from the Materials Project |
Dan Gunter Shreyas Cholia Anubhav Jain Michael Kocher Kristin Persson Lavanya Ramakrishnan Shyue Ping Ong Gerbrand Ceder |
Slides Paper |
4:30PM | A Comparative Study of Data Processing Approaches for Text Processing Workflows | Ting Chen Kenjiro Taura |
UTokyo | Slides Paper |
5:00PM | Software-as-a-Service: The iPlant Foundation API | Rion Dooley Matthew Vaughn Dan Stanzione Steve Terry Edwin Skidmore |
TACC UArizona |
Slides Paper |
5:30PM | Best Paper Award
=> Resource Management for Dynamic
MapReduce Clusters in Multicluster Systems Attendee Prize Giveaway -- Win a Kindle Fire HD Tablet Closing Statements |
Invited speakers biographies:
- Dr. Laxmikant (Sanjay) Kale, Professor of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Laxmikant Kale is the director of the Parallel Programming Laboratory
and a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign. Prof. Kale has been working on various aspects of
parallel computing, with a focus on enhancing performance and
productivity via adaptive runtime systems, and with the belief that only
interdisciplinary research involving multiple CSE and other applications
can bring back well-honed abstractions into Computer Science that will
have a long-term impact on the state-of-art. His collaborations include
the widely used Gordon-Bell award winning (SC'2002) biomolecular
simulation program NAMD, and other collaborations on computational
cosmology, quantum chemistry, rocket simulation, space-time meshes, and
other unstructured mesh applications. He takes pride in his group's
success in distributing and supporting software embodying his research
ideas, including Charm++, Adaptive MPI and the BigSimframework. He and
his team recently won the HPC Challenge award at Supercomputing 2011,
for their entry based on Charm++. L. V. Kale received the B.Tech degree
in Electronics Engineering from Benares Hindu University, Varanasi,
India in 1977, and a M.E. degree in Computer Science from Indian
Institute of Science in Bangalore, India, in 1979. He received a Ph.D.
in computer science in from State University of New York, Stony Brook,
in 1985. He worked as a scientist at the Tata Institute of Fundamental
Research from 1979 to 1981. He joined the faculty of the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an Assistant Professor in 1985, where he
is currently employed as a Professor. Prof. Kale is a fellow of the
Invited Speakers
- Dr. Judy Qiu, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Informatics, Indiana University
- Dr. Alexandru Iosup, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
- Zhao Zhang, PhD Candidate, Computer Science Department, University of Chicago
Judy Qiu is an Assistant Professor in the School of Informatics and
Computing at Indiana University. Her research interests are on
data-intensive computing at the intersection of Cloud and multicore
technologies with an emphasis on life science applications using
MapReduce and traditional parallel and distributed computing approaches.
Dr. Qiu leads the SALSA project
in the Pervasive Technology Institute at Indiana University. Data
intensive science, Cloud computing and Multicore computing are
converging and will revolutionize next generation of computing in
architectural design and programming challenges. They enable the
pipeline: data becomes information becomes knowledge becomes wisdom.
Alexandru Iosup received his Ph.D. in Computer Science in 2009 from the
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the Netherlands. He is
currently an Assistant Professor with the Parallel and Distributed
Systems Group at TU Delft. He was a visiting scholar at U. Dortmund,
U.Wisconsin-Madison, U. Innsbruck, and U.California-Berkeley in 2004,
2006, 2008, and 2010, respectively. In 2011 he received a Dutch NWO/STW
Veni grant (the Dutch equivalent of the US NSF CAREER.) His research
interests are in the area of distributed computing; keywords: cloud
computing, grid computing, peer-to-peer systems, scientific computing,
massively multiplayer online games, scheduling, scalability,
reliability, performance evaluation, and workload characterization. Dr.
Iosup is the author of over 50 scientific publications and has received
several awards and distinctions, including best paper awards at IEEE
CCGrid 2010, Euro-Par 2009, and IEEE P2P 2006. He is the co-founder of
the Grid Workloads, the Peer-to-Peer Trace, and the Failure Trace
Archives, which provide open access to workload and resource operation
traces from large-scale distributed computing environments. He is
currently working on cloud resource management for e-Science and
consumer workloads.
Zhao Zhang is a PhD candidate in the
Distributed Systems Laboratory in the Department of Computer Science at
University of Chicago, under the guidance of Prof. Ian Foster. His
research interests are in supercomputers, grid computing, and cloud
computing. His research focus is on supercomputing data management. He
received his master degree from the Department of Computer Science at the
University of Chicago in 2007. His bachelor degree is in Software Engineering from Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2006.