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2nd Greater Chicago Area System Research Workshop (GCASR) 2013
Northwestern University, Evanston IL -- May 3rd, 2013Organization
General Chairs
- Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Nikos Hardavellas, Northwestern University, USA
Ioan Raicu Dr. Ioan Raicu is an assistant professor in the
Department of Computer Science (CS) at Illinois Institute of Technology
(IIT), as well as a guest research faculty in the Math and Computer
Science Division (MCS) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). He is also
the founder (2011) and director of the Data-Intensive Distributed
Systems Laboratory (DataSys) at IIT. He has received the prestigious NSF
CAREER award (2011 - 2015) for his innovative work on distributed file
systems for exascale computing. He was a NSF/CRA Computation Innovation
Fellow at Northwestern University in 2009 - 2010, and obtained his Ph.D.
in Computer Science from University of Chicago under the guidance of Dr.
Ian Foster in March 2009. He is a 3-year award winner of the GSRP
Fellowship from NASA Ames Research Center. His research work and
interests are in the general area of distributed systems. His work
focuses on a relatively new paradigm of Many-Task Computing (MTC), which
aims to bridge the gap between two predominant paradigms from
distributed systems, High-Throughput Computing (HTC) and
High-Performance Computing (HPC). His work has focused on defining and
exploring both the theory and practical aspects of realizing MTC across
a wide range of large-scale distributed systems. He is particularly
interested in resource management in large scale distributed systems
with a focus on many-task computing, data intensive computing, cloud
computing, grid computing, and many-core computing. Over the past
decade, he has co-authored over 50 peer reviewed articles, book
chapters, books, theses, and dissertations, which received over 2100
citations. His H-index is 19 , G-Index is 45, and E-Index is 37. His
work has been funded by the NASA Ames Research Center, DOE Office of
Advanced Scientific Computing Research, the NSF/CRA CIFellows program,
and the NSF CAREER program. He has also founded and chaired several
workshops, such as ACM Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Grids and
Supercomputers (MTAGS), the IEEE Int. Workshop on Data-Intensive
Computing in the Clouds (DataCloud/DataCloud-SC), and the ACM Workshop
on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud). He is on the editorial
board of the Springer Journal of Cloud Computing Advances, Systems and
Applications (JoCCASA), as well as a guest editor for the IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), the Scientific
Programming Journal (SPJ), and the Journal of Grid Computing (JoGC). He
has been leadership roles in several high profile conferences, such as
HPDC, CCGrid, Grid, eScience, and ICAC. He is a member of the IEEE and
ACM. More information can be found at
http://www.linkedin.com/in/ioanraicu, his
long CV or
short NSF-style CV.
Nikos Hardavellas is the June and Donald Brewer Assistant Professor
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Northwestern
University. His research interests include parallel computer
architecture, memory systems, runtime environments, optical
interconnects, elastic fidelity computing, design for dark silicon, and
data-oriented software architectures. Prior to joining Northwestern
University, he contributed to the design of several generations of Alpha
processors and high-end multiprocessor servers at Digital Equipment
Corp. (DEC), Compaq Computer Corp., and Hewlett-Packard. He became a
Searle Fellow in 2012, and received an IEEE Micro Top Picks from
Computer Architecture Conferences in 2009, a Best Demonstration Award in
ICDE 2006, and a Technical Award for Contributions to the Alpha
Microprocessor from Compaq Computer Corp. in 2000. Nikos holds a Ph.D.
in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.
Steering Committee
- Fabián E. Bustamante, Northwestern University, USA
- Andrew A. Chien, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Peter Dinda, Northwestern University, USA
- Jakob Eriksson, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
- Ian Foster, University of Chicago & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Nikos Hardavellas, Northwestern University, USA
- Ioan Raicu, Illinois Institute of Technology & Argonne National Laboratory, USA
- Xian-He Sun, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA