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2nd Greater Chicago Area System Research Workshop (GCASR) 2013
Northwestern University, Evanston IL -- May 3rd, 2013Keynote
Director, Exascale Technology and Computing Institute
Co-Director, Northwestern-Argonne Institute for Science and Engineering
Argonne National Laboratory
Beckman is the founder and director of the Exascale Technology and
Computing Institute at Argonne National Laboratory and the co-director
of the Northwestern-Argonne Institute for Science and Engineering. From
2008-2010 he was the director of the Argonne Leadership Computing
Facility, where he led the Argonne team working with IBM on the design
of Mira, a 10 petaflop Blue Gene/Q, and helped found the International
Exascale Software Project. Pete joined Argonne in 2002, serving first as
director of engineering and later as chief architect for the TeraGrid,
where he led the design and deployment team that created the world's
most powerful Grid computing system for linking production HPC computing
centers for the National Science Foundation. After the TeraGrid became
fully operational, Pete started a research team focusing on petascale
high-performance system software. As an industry leader, he founded a
Turbolinux-sponsored research laboratory in 2000 that developed the
world's first dynamic provisioning system for cloud computing and HPC
clusters. The following year, Pete became vice president of Turbolinux's
worldwide engineering efforts, managing development offices in the U.S.,
Japan, China, Korea, and Slovenia. Dr. Beckman has a Ph.D. in computer
science from Indiana University (1993) and a B.A. in Computer Science,
Physics, and Math from Anderson University (1985).