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4th Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud) 2013
Co-located with ACM HPDC 2013New York City, NY, USA -- June 17th, 2013
Keynote: Science as a Service: How On-Demand Computing Can Accelerate Discovery
Ian T. Foster
Senior Scientist & Distinguished Fellow, Math and Computer Science Division (MCS), Argonne National Laboratory
Director, Computation Institute (CI), University of Chicago
Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor, Department of Computer Science (CS), University of Chicago
Professor, Physical Sciences,
University of ChicagoThe notion of science as a service was originally positioned in 2005 as a means of publishing and accessing scientific data and applications through internet accessible services. At that time, researchers were only just grasping the benefits of employing the same service oriented architectures commonly used in other domains. Since this time we have indeed seen a huge uptake in researchers leveraging services to disseminate and share data and applications in fields as diverse as genomics, climate science, and physical sciences. In addition, commercial software as a service (SaaS) products like Google Docs and Gmail are now used by many researchers in everyday activities. The major benefit of a SaaS approach is that researchers are able to invoke applications or access data remotely over the internet without needing to know the inner workings of the service. Our vision of science as a service worked well in a world when computing resources were scarce; when we needed to federate heterogeneous resources and make them accessible to researchers; when different tools and data were provided using different interfaces and representations; and when research problems involved datasets that could be hosted and analyzed on a single computer. In this talk we re-examine our vision of science as a service in a world in which computing resources are now commoditized; researchers are increasingly facing ‘big data’ challenges; cloud providers, such as Amazon, have become viable alternatives to purchasing dedicated infrastructure; and reliable infrastructure for scientific problems is only an API call away. For a longer version of this abstract, click here.
Dr. Ian
Foster is Director of the Computation Institute, a joint institute of
the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory. He is also an
Argonne Senior Scientist and Distinguished Fellow, and the Arthur Holly
Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Computer Science at
University of Chicago. He is also involved with both the Open Grid Forum
and with the Globus Alliance as an open source strategist. In 2006, he
was appointed director of the Computation Institute, a joint project
between the University of Chicago, and Argonne. An earlier project,
Strand, received the British Computer Society Award for technical
innovation. His research resulted in the development of techniques,
tools and algorithms for high-performance distributed computing and
parallel computing. As a result he is denoted as "the father of the
Grid". Foster led research and development of software for the I-WAY
wide-area distributed computing experiment, which connected
supercomputers, databases and other high-end resources at 17 sites
across North America in 1995. His own labs, the Distributed Systems
Laboratory is the nexus of the multi-institute Globus Project, a
research and development effort that encourages collaborative computing
by providing advances necessary for engineering, business and other
fields. Furthermore the Computation Institute addresses many of the most
challenging computational and communications problems facing Grid
implementations today. In 2004, he founded Univa Corporation, which was
merged with United Devices in 2007 and operate under the name Univa UD.
Foster's honors include the Lovelace Medal of the British Computer
Society, the Gordon Bell Prize for high-performance computing (2001), as
well as others. He was elected Fellow of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science in 2003. Dr. Foster also serves as PI or
Co-PI on projects connected to the DOE global change program, the
National Computational Science Alliance, the NASA Information Power Grid
project, the NSF Grid Physics Network, GRIDS Center, and International
Virtual Data Grid Laboratory projects, and other DOE and NSF programs.
His research is supported by DOE, NSF, NASA, Microsoft, and IBM.